James Yarosh Associates Gallery opens the Fall season of shows Saturday, September 16th with the two-person fine art exhibit of Michal Sparks and Joyce Urbanski. Show opens 12-4p.m. and a ‘meet the artists’ reception follows that night from 5-7p.m. The public is cordially invited to attend.
James Yarosh, known for bringing critically acclaimed artist’s work from around the world to collectors from his Monmouth County gallery, such as his much lauded Russian Fine Art collections, decided to look a little closer to home for his new show. “ When I opened my gallery a little over ten years ago, I focused a little more on the artwork of regional artists as I had always been part of the local art community. As the gallery evolved over the years my opportunity to bring in art from around the world, particulary Russia, as I opened doors I couldn’t imagine with art that brought a quality and standard not normally found in gallerys.” Yarosh says, “However, as I began to put together my fall show schedule, I saw an opening and an opportunity to introduce a new artist, Michal Sparks and revisit a gallery favorite, Joyce Urbanski, with a sort of retrospective. I thought it would be fun to swing some gallery focus full circle and I am thrilled to have pulled together the new show, Sparks & Urbanski with two very formidable and accomplished artists.”
The New- Michal Sparks, Colts Neck, is an accomplished artist and illustrater with a national reputation for her table-top and wallpaper designs and will be debuting her collection of paintings of ‘old route 34’ as her return to fine art oil painting. Regarding the subject of inspiration, Ms Sparks states, “This body of work is representational of a particular grove of trees that lined a 250-year old obsolete highway, which runs through a portion of the farm where I live. The series is composed outside so although I start with a theme, I have no preconceived images in mind so I may let my surroundings dictate size, temperament, and even color’. Yarosh says ‘having Michal Sparks debut her fine art paintings at the gallery is like having MacKenzie-Child in your backyard and quite a coop.’ Also as part of the exhibit will be offered the original watercolors for popular dinnerware patterns such as ‘Estate of Mind’ and other Indigo Gate collections.
The Retrospective- Joyce Anastasia Urbanski is an established regional artist painting for over 40 years with over 15 one person gallery exhibits to her credit. One of James Yarosh Gallerys most popular artists over the years, Urbanski will be exhibiting a new still life series titled ‘Saturation’. A series of eight monochromatic still life portraits represent a this thoroughly modern and complicated body of work also includes supporting studies. The show will also feature many other paintings of the artists work over the years including painterly landscape compostions of her 11 acre property and gardens in Holmdel as well as new family portrait paintings. The gallery owner says his idea of a mini-retrospective for Urbanski’s work came from a recent visit to the Tate Britian Museum viewing an exhibit of six decades of Lucian Freud. Yarosh explains, “It was so wonderful to see and celebrate a painters life seeing a long career of painting in this format. From the artists early experimental paintings, then the grand career making tour-de-force canvas’s to intimate subjects of family paintings the artist now paints as the only subject that interests him in the end. I see that same beautiful type of career with Joyce’s work as she has balance life and art remaining true to her craft- I wanted to share this with my clients and support such dedication to the arts as with out we would have no culture.’. Always a plein-air painter, Urbanski describes her recent subject and approach, “The practice of painting directly from life is particularly significant with the subject matter of this new group of works. Here, I have returned to what is most important to me --- my family. All the paintings are of my children and grandchildren. My closeness to the subject of each work creates an added emotional and psychological layer resulting in an image rich in meaning.”
The public is invited to visit and meet the artists and perhaps enjoy a little bit of the local color and landscapes of whats around them through an artist and a neighbors eye. Flowers for the shows opening will be courtesy of Beth LaCava of Flowering Field Farms, Colts Neck and member of Garden Club RFD in keeping with the theme of celebrating where we live.
For more information please visit the gallery website jamesyarosh.com or contact the gallery at 55 East Main Street, Holmdel NJ- 732 332 0056. Gallery hours are every Saturday 12- 4p.m., weekdays and evenings by appointment. |